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If I was me and you was you

I hope you don’t mind but when I type my blog I am actually imagining you are listening and we are having a conversation like good friends….I know that sounds nuts but its like we have known each other years and we can share…..

So how are you, how’s your day been, how you feeling……I want to know about you so our conversations can flow, if not I am just a sad older lady rambling on ….and even if that is true I do love the thought that this is a two way conversation.

So before we go on with my journey into art and discovering that I AM AN ARTIST I want to know more about you and share the different parts of me and who I am.

I have always been a cheerful type …..some would say annoyingly so …but its not my fault I have a face that smiles even when I am not smiling… is this possible …I don’t know but it has got me in to trouble a time or two. The other problem is on the occasions when I am not smiling (and this can happen) people panic and think something is dreadfully wrong …when its just my face having a rest.

This got me thinking about how folks are perceived ….I am sure I am seen as light and fluffy and I know some wonderful people who have a f*@k off face most of the time but are really really nice….They say that first impressions count but also getting to know someone is important, knowing what makes folks tick and what is going on in their life.

As a smiler I am always seen as the one who wants to join in and the one who has lots of friends and the one who will get the party started …..when in fact nothing can be further from the truth. I am really not a people person at all ….I have select friends, I feel awkward in large gatherings and would much prefer to sit back and watch the party - so first impressions only count if you follow it up with getting to know someone, or you could be sadly disappointed in them when they haven’t even done anything.

To be able to fit in had always seem to matter to me even though to be honest I never really have … as I said I can feel awkward in social situations so fitting in has always been hard…..I have always worried that I have said the wrong thing, or said to much or folks think I am making stuff up (which I never do) …by the way if you haven’t noticed I am also an over thinker :-)

I cared too much about being one of the gang and to be honest it has made me miserable …hitting 40 seemed to help, my 'fitting in' hormone seemed to decrease and now at 55 I really don’t seem to mind being the uncool, weird girl… allowing this freedom it has allowed me to be me ….maybe this is why I am now finally finding my true path of creativity ….no longer is my flow being stifled it is free and happy and loving art and chickens and just wandering….and if people like me as I am I like them back …simples.

So the point I think of our conversation today...... is please just be you…stop being the you, you think you should be, be the you you were meant to be and you will find freedom and happiness in your own world with whoever likes you for who you are

Whilst on my website check out my originals and it may show you a little more of who I am ……

Have a wonderful week.

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Jul 11, 2023

I agree Beth! Great blog Jules and glad you found your groove so we can all benefit from your beautiful art 💜

Jul 11, 2023
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Thank you for the feedback on the blog it's all new to me....and Im so glad you like my art it means a lot.


Jul 10, 2023

Lovely - there are definitely advantages to getting a few years behind us. Wish is happens for us ladies earlier actually :) -- Beth R.

Jul 11, 2023
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Oh yes being a mature lady is a wonderful thing.....but I agree having calmness and not giving a fig sooner would have been so much better!!

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