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Fresh & Vibrant.....


I’ve been reading ‘how to keep blogs fresh and vibrant’…….I sound like an advertisement for an anti aging cream or body spray ….the blog that keeps you fresh and vibrant…..thats it, its official, I’ve lost it.

I am actually going to stand up and say I AM AN ARTIST (there I've said it) - and by the way …...I AM 55 YEARS OLD.

The truth is I love being in my 50’s, I know some may think I am nuts and should sit down and possibly pretend I am still in my 40’s but I don’t want to......

…..being in my 50’s means I have experienced so much and I am still young enough to remember it…..if I had not been a teenager in the 80’s I would have missed so much ….. VHS & Beta Max, a choke on my first car, Wham, Culture Club, Disco’s in the village hall, tape decks in your car that jammed and you had to wind in the tape back in with a pen, not having to worry about designer clothes, Madonna ( I so wanted to be Madonna) Ra-ra skirts, roller skates, skate boards, hairdryers that were like a handbag with a hat…..TV remote control with wire attached to the TV !!!

…..I will stop or I will never get on but you know what I mean I just loved growing up in the 70’s & 80’s and I wouldn’t want to change that. I even had a CB radio before the internet and Facebook ….and no I won’t be divulging my CB handle ….well I might one day but its to soon just now…..I hardly know you .

I think growing up with all that went on in those decades definitely made me the person I am today …I wish I had done somethings differently who doesn’t but I truly believe we are on a path and some of us weave around on our path and take longer to arrive to where we are supposed to be, but we do arrive non the less ……I think I HAVE ARRIVED.


I have found, mainly in the last couple of years that happiness comes from surrounding yourself with like minded folks…..don't let anyone steal your Chi - your life force, the energy that flows through you.

Being around positive people is easier said then done …you meet all kinds of folks in your life and some come and go and some come and stay…… but the main thing they need to be is a force for the good in your life….anyone who isn’t should just jog on but if you work with them or they are in a group you are in its hard to disassociate with them so you have to deal with them and protect your Chi…

Don’t let anyone bring you down, diss you, laugh at you unkindly because you are yourself, stand up and be proud of who you are and you will save your life force ….I just wish I had more often and not been afraid, but I think there is a saying ….hindsight is a wonderful thing…well its never too late to be you and dust off your Chi.

I seem to be rambling on again and not getting to any point …..maybe the point is ….love your age, grow old ungracefully … fresh and vibrant.

By the way how you doing, have you tried anything new this week that you thought you couldn’t do …I hope you have ….pushing boundaries is scary but it helps us ….and maybe some of it’s just pitballing, it might not all be gold, but having a go is the main thing……putting it on your CV for life …you might find you do it and I actually enjoyed it.

Oh and by the way I meant to add …..if you think you can’t you probably can ……you might surprise yourself ….I know I have.

I know this blog started only a couple of weeks ago with me stating I was going to tell the story of my journey into art and painting and it sounds like I am off topic but …. its all connected …by being yourself, and trying something new, you might just be fresh and vibrant :-)

Have a great week and remember we are only limited by our own imagination!

Also did you know if you subscribe to my website you will not only never miss a riveting word of my blog but you will receive a 10% discount code to use on my website when you need something nice.

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